Pretty, Cute, Sexy, Beautiful: How to Compliment Others in English


In English, there are many ways you can compliment someone’s appearance. Here are seven words that are commonly used to compliment others:

  • Pretty
  • Beautiful
  • Handsome
  • Cute
  • Sexy
  • Hot
  • Gorgeous


  • Those flowers are so colorful and pretty.
  • I think you’d look really pretty in that pink dress.
  • If you put some flowers in a vase on the table, I think it’d make the room look much prettier.

“Pretty” is used to describe things that are nice to look at in a delicate or attractive way. People use “pretty” to describe a girl’s face or clothing. The word has an association with traditionally feminine objects and images such as flowers and lace.  It’s also used more generally to describe objects and scenery that are pleasing to the eye.

For example, if a girl has a “pretty face”, it means that her face is delicate and cute. If flowers are “pretty,” it means that they’re nice-looking and attractive.

While you can use the word “pretty” to describe boys as well, it’s not done very often and may sound a little strange out of context. If you call a boy “pretty”, it means that he is beautiful and attractive—but in a feminine way! You may hear the phrase “pretty boy” used to describe a very attractive man with a feminine or androgynous face.


  • No matter how old she gets, Angelina Jolie is still so beautiful.
  • That’s a beautiful wedding dress, but it looks so expensive!
  • When I visited Yellowstone National Park, I saw an absolutely beautiful double rainbow.

The word “beautiful” is very similar to “pretty”—it’s usually used to describe people, objects, and things that are physically attractive. However, “beautiful” is a much powerful, serious, and mature word.

For example, if you use the word “pretty” to describe a photograph, you send the message that you like it and find it attractive. If you use the word “beautiful” to describe the same photograph, you send the message that it was so attractive it affected you in a deeper and more serious way. When complimenting others, “beautiful” is a much stronger word to use than “pretty.” Some people may become embarrassed if others call them beautiful when they’re not expecting it.

If you’re having trouble understanding the difference between pretty and beautiful, take a look at the google image search for “pretty room” versus “beautiful room”!


We’d be much more likely to describe the Grand Canyon as “beautiful” instead of “pretty”.


  • It’s a shame that you only wear sweatshirts nowadays—you look so handsome in that suit!
  • My grandfather was extremely handsome when he was younger.

The word “handsome” is often said to be the equivalent of “beautiful” for men. If a man is handsome, it means that he’s physically attractive. However, “handsome” also carries the connotation that someone is well-dressed and manly. This word was used a little more frequently in the past than it is today.


The word “cute” has a couple of different meanings.

When talking about objects or animals, “cute” means sweet, lovely, or adorable. It’s common to hear people describe babies, puppies, and miniature objects as “cute.” For example, this puppy is really cute!


However, “cute” can mean something different when used to describe an adult. Take a look at these two sentences:

  • Did you see any cute boys at the party?
  • She’s really cute! I’d definitely go out with her.

In these examples, “cute” doesn’t mean adorable or nice. When a girl says that a boy her age is cute, it usually means she finds him physically attractive and may be interested in a romantic relationship with him. If a boy says a girl is cute, it usually means the same thing. College-age people use “cute” in this way very often to describe people they’re interested in dating.


  • Do you think this miniskirt is too sexy to wear to work?
  • She thought her husband looked sexy whenever he wore a tie.

“Sexy” is used to describe a person who is sexually attractive. It’s often used to describe clothing that shows off people’s bodies, like short skirts and swimsuits. For example, it is usually inappropriate to wear sexy clothing to work or class.


  • Beyonce looks really hot when she dances.
  • I think men with wide shoulders and muscles are hot.

Like all of these words, “hot” describes physical attractiveness. However, you’d use “hot” to describe someone who has a really great body and a lot of sex appeal. It’s similar to “sexy.” Women will use it to describe men, and men will use it to describe women. Like “sexy’, “hot” is a word that can objectify others, so be careful how you use it!


  • She’s as gorgeous as a model!
  • That’s a gorgeous dress.

“Gorgeous” is like a mixture of “beautiful” and “hot.” If someone is gorgeous, it means that they have a beautiful body and are physically attractive to the extreme. It’s a stronger word than beautiful or pretty, and is usually only used when something or someone is truly breathtaking.  Just like “beautiful” and “pretty,” “gorgeous” is usually used to describe women.

Note: Compliments Between Women

Men will not typically use these words to complement other men. However, women may use them frequently to compliment other women. For example, here is a common exchange between two women in their teens/twenties:

Alice: I was thinking of wearing this dress today—does it look okay?

Eve: Yes, absolutely! That dress is so cute! You look gorgeous!

Alice: Thanks!

In this example, Eve is telling Alice that she thinks the dress Alice is wearing suits her very well and makes her look physically attractive.

Women may sometimes use the words“hot” and “sexy” to compliment each other as well. If a young woman is getting ready to go to a party where she hopes to attract someone of the opposite sex, her friends may tell her that she looks “hot” to boost her confidence!